Design My Mind, Mind my Design

It’s easy for me to navigate those labyrinthine causeways of my neural pathways and return with interesting words and stories. It’s a completely different thing to have to come back and give a visual representation of what I experienced.

From the very first inkling of the site I wanted the design to be unique. Too often these days the main content of a site is completely removed from the background it is laid upon. It is as if the two are designed separately with the thought that they shall never cross paths. These sites often look to me like disjointed pieces with the text simply overlaying the background.

Some people decide they want their sites to be interactive and incorporate Flash into them. But this doesn’t make the design interesting, just system resource intensive and requiring an additional piece of software on the user’s end.

So with all this in mind I set out to find a foundation upon which to build my new presence on the web. I am attempting to give you each a full experience without compromise. That means tying everything together in one nice interesting package with a bow because the bow would probably require a browser plugin and I’m going for accessibility this time round.

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