What  have I been working on lately? Here are some links:

ReelSEO – Yes, 2 years running I’m still working with Mark (Cuz he’s awesome) and spouting off bull puckey about online video ads and marketing. Here are some of my latest:

I also started doing some work for Cell Phone Reviews. It’s nothing special or all that creative but here’s a link:

Of course the work continues at Gamers Daily News. Here are some more recent articles of note:

The Journey of Why – Myranda’s Story

I am still working on this book. I’ve got over 500 hand-written pages at present and it’s shaping up to be a whopper. I’m thinking it’s time to start typing up what I have and determining where to cut off the first book and begin the second. I think 300 pages each might be good. It’s hard to say what the hand-written stuff will translate into in terms of pages as I tend to oscillate my writing size quite often depending on where I am and how I’m feeling (or if I’m tipsy or not). I’ll get something new up on that in the near future.

Finally, something for Empire Avenue to verify the feed: EAVB_GVXUVUHVDX

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