Status Updates

I thought I’d give a quick update about what’s going on in the writing world on my end.

Regular ongoing projects:

Editor-in-Chief at Gamers Daily News (where I’m one of the owners)

Contributor at ReelSEO writing about online video.

New Upcoming projects:

It looks like I will be a monthly contributor to a new science-fiction and fantasy site down in Australia. It should start in June and I’ll be sure to drop a link here when it does.

New Personal Projects:

I’ve started work on a new book or series of books. The working title is Miranda’s Story but that’s only because it’s the name of the main character. I guess it could be described as a light sci-fi story that comments on political structures of the recent past. Of course that’s not very interesting is it? How about this.

‘That’s how it is and how it’s always been’ is always the reply to 12-year-old Miranda’s constant questioning about the society around her. One day that questioning gets her into trouble and the government sends her to Administration for re-education. This begins a series of events that takes her on a journey of discovery until she gets to the bottom of things and is faced with a hard choice.

Work sporadically continues on The Spider-Wasp Affair another series of fantasy novels revolving around a war between Spiders and Wasps.

War has raged between the Spiders and the Wasps for as long as most can remember. Both sides have taken heavy losses while secret machinations are moving forward to end the conflict once and for all. But the solution becomes an even bigger problem and the future of both factions will hang in the balance.

New Submissions:

I’m keeping all the rejection letters so I can wallpaper a wall with them one day. The latest in the stack is from Analog.

I’ve submitted a story to The Paperbag Writer and my book (The Wifecycle) to an agency in NY.

Submitting the book to agents is ridiculous. Professional decorum dictates that you only submit a book manuscript to one agent at a time. Each agent takes up to four weeks to respond, so essentially you can only submit to one per month. No wonder it takes so long to find a blasted agent.

Other Things:

Some people have started a fan club for my writing on Facebook. I’m embarrassed… and honored.

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