Swiss Banks Have no Problem with Nazi Gold, Big Problem with Wikileaks

I’m reposting this because it’s wrong and should be stopped. It’s time that we, the people, exert power over our governments and not the other way around. Your government is there to serve you, not to control you. This is obviously a case where the government is controlling the corporation. With banks having such strict regulations I’m sure even the minor threat of auditing and the like will send them scurrying and cause them to infringe the rights of others, as they have obviously done here.

Julian Assange, Wikileaks Founder, Defense Fund frozen.

Since when do banks start putting out press releases about freezing assets of private citizens? Does that not constitute some manner of breach of contract and cross some privacy lines? They should be fined as well as audited.

The Swiss Bank Post Finance today issues a press release stating that it had frozen Julian Assange’s defense fund and personal assets (31K EUR) after reviewing him as a “high profile” individual.

The technicality used to seize the defense fund was that Mr. Assange, as a homeless refugee attempting to gain residency in Switzerland, had used his lawyers address in Geneva for the bank’s correspondence.

Late last week, the internet payment giant PayPal, froze 60Keur of donations to the German charity the Wau Holland Foundation, which were targeted to promote the sharing of knowledge via WikiLeaks.

WikiLeaks and Julian have lost 100Keur in assets this week.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Cablegate exposure is how it is throwing into relief the power dynamics between supposedly independent states like Switzerland, Sweden and Australia.

WikiLeaks also has public bank accounts in Iceland (preferred) and Germany.

Please help cover our expenditures while we fight to get our assets back.

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