Ancients of Ooga Preview (XBLA)

Ancients of Ooga, from the Kefling creating Ninjabee, is bizarre. It’s like a form of demonic possession where you hop from Oogani to Oogani in order to make them complete tasks, open doors, throw levers, and yes, sometimes even sacrifice themselves… that’s the life of the Oogani. Read more…

The Art of the Press Release

Being in the news industry I see literally hundreds of press releases each week. The thing that shocks me the most is how awful some of them are. They’re long, cumbersome and full of useless information, while omitting valuable and vital information. So here are some of my thoughts on how to do some PR for your company and games.

As a Freelance Writer I have been tasked with writing a wide range of things including press releases, promotional, sales and marketing copy. From that work, I’ve learned a few things and when I combine that with my experience in the gaming industry I can see some areas where indie devs and startup PR firms might do better to get their message out.…

The Art of the Game Preview

Previews of video games play a vital role in the industry and are perhaps somewhat under-utilized. Generally, the problem with getting the previews done is simply connecting journalists with the game. Many publishers and developers don’t like to send out code until such time as the game is nearing completion.