Dungeons and Dragons

The Grass is Always Greenest… Part 1

After the chaotic events of the first night in Greenest the players finally had a well-deserved long rest. (This recovers all HP and spell slots for game mechanic purposes and refreshes them to begin adventuring again.) This also marks the first session where the players were split out of the mega-group into separate groups. This is the first session of the Dragon group.…

Dungeons and Dragons

The Hoard of the Dungeon Master – Part 3

The next session opened where the previous left off. The newly assembled band of daring adventurers had arrived at the mill and they were briefly scouting out the situation. There was a field stone wall around the place with an opening where the road led to the mill. Around the mill were marauders with torches that seemed to be in no hurry to light the place up, oddly.