How I Write Part 7 – Location, Location, Location

You know the old adage that in order to be successful you need the right location? Well ok, not sure if it’s the exact wording but you get the general idea.

This time round it’s actually a two-fold thing. Both in the writing and outside of it.

I’ve got this knack of being able to write anywhere, literally. I think I already mentioned that I write in the toilet sometimes. It’s nice because most people won’t bother you there. Unless you have an insane flatmate or wife that ask you questions like ‘what are you doing in there?’ My response was always “What do you THINK I’m doing in here?” The flatmate on the other hand says “are you in there?” No I just thought I would leave the lights on and the fan running for the floaters, they’re afraid of the dark! Ridiculous people…

How I Write – Part 5 The Character Focus

When I write and a character introduces themself to me I only get the briefest of outlines and glimpses into their character and personality. Over time I discover more and more about them as they show me just who they are. Their backgrounds, beliefs and motivations come into view as I go.

Many writers will say that you need to outline the whole story and draw up brief bios about your characters and a whole lot of other extra work. That certainly doesn’t sound like a lot of fun now does it?

How I Write – Part 4 Physicality of Writing

So, I ran out of notebook the other day and had to take a day’s hiatus from the writing of Myranda’s Story. I was so desperate for space that I even wrote on the little bit of paper left from a torn out page.

Well now I’ve picked up some notebooks. A nice A5 sized lined paper one this time round. That should keep me on track for some time. It’s got 150 pages so that’s 300 pages written. See if you’re not a writer you might not appreciate how splendid it is to find a notebook.